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.living well.

Category Archives: Sydney

2011 for me was a year of epic proportions. Not in the usual sense; I’m so used to travelling and moving around but for the entire 2011 I stayed put.

I got engaged, got used to live in Sydney, have clocked a year off at my new job, I finished my certification in Personal Training/Exercise Science and I didn’t travel (sadly, except to Melbourne for visits home).

It’s been a glorious year of learning new things about myself. I’ve come to learn that I like to runaway frequently and that loving someone means that I need to learn to love one city and not be such a fucking gypsy, but that calm has aloud me to complete other tasks like my qualification and my year at my new job. And let’s not forget that I trained like a fucking boss. I increased my muscle mass significantly, decreased my fat mass – but most importantly I went from barely being able to run longer than 20 minutes without actually dying; to being able to do almost anything. To lift heavier weights than alot of men in the gyms, to being able to sprint up stairs… I took on the challenges and literally smashed them to smithereens.

With 2012 now already having begun (and my general hate on for ‘resolutions’) I’m back in the swing of things as per usual but wanted to document to myself, and whoever listens to my rants these days – the year past and the year to come – and all the goals I have for the next twelve months.

  • Being the gypsy that I am I’m finding it hard being in a tiny apartment, so my first and my most important goal is to find a house to share with S. I want a bathtub again, timber floorboards, a yard. More space to frollick and fuck it; a spare bedroom that can easily double as my giant closet.
  • 2012 calls for financial organisation in order to complete my goals so getting an accountant and making leeway with my payments is top priority for this kid *that’s where you imagine me sat here with my two thumbs pointed at myself*
  • I realised in 2011 I was training as if I wanted to compete in bodybuilding competitions. In actual fact, I don’t. I have zero interest in getting up on stage and whilst I would like to do some photographic work in the future I realised that fuck it, life is too short to place such high pressures on myself and my body expectations. I need to eat clean and train hard but I do not neccessarily need to smash 8 sessions a week and eat lean meat and broccoli only when I have not got these goals.
    If you are achieving these goals; more power to you, but without these goals as your target acting this way is merely stressful to your mind and body and restricts you from living your life. I miss social drinking and late nights and enjoying myself at a restaurant from time to time and being a food nazi and eating for comp prep is so pointless and creates a negative energy if you don’t have a goal in mind. My friend Amanda at MeVsTheBulge is currently in comp prep and I am utterly inspired by her, but she has goals and knows when to push harder and she also knows there will be a certain date in which she can relax – I did not have this and was only creating pressure I could not live up to day in day out.
    This doesn’t excuse me not training like a boss; because I fucking will. And it doesn’t mean I’m going to start eating takeaway or greasy shit; I won’t… It just means I need to stop endlessly counting calories in vs out and being so hard on myself for no real goal or reason. I look great in my clothes and I look great naked, I may not have a six pack but at the end of the day, who the fuck cares? I’m healthy and fit and I need to keep this mindset.
  • I also am more than aware that it’s hard on my partner to watch me constantly train and restrict myself and he is so supportive of everything I do which only makes me want to find happiness in that headspace more so.
    I want to start going out more. I need to socialise. I think this has been restricted because of the above reasons but this needs to change this year as I also need an excuse for my next goal:
  • Update my wardrobe. It’s my goal in 2012 to own more high heels, party dresses and lacy lingerie. The first and last I can get away with in the bedroom but the party dresses call for socialising.
  • Visit home more often. I miss my girlfriends and my brofriends, haha-brofriends. Whattaword.
  • Save $$$ for our trip back to my real home (LONDON!) and a visit around Europe.
  • Sing. I’ve been asked recently to send someone who is ridiculously talented a demo and as fucking scared as I am, I enjoy singing so working on my confidence and getting something out there – even if it’s shithouse, is my personal challenge. Confidence is key. I WILL get lessons.
  • Training… Work on my website and start training people; extend the joy of fitness to others. Tacky/corny as it sounds, fitness changed my life and I want to help other people get it together as well.


Well that’s it for me, for now, and let’s face it – I did shorten that up a fucking lot.

Here’s some of my random photos and memories of 2011 to close with, there not in order and most of them include food… But I hope you enjoy, I know I will enjoy looking back on them come next year…



2010 is almost over. It’s been another amazing year for me. In fact I’ve been really blessed and have had an incredible run the last three years.

I’m hoping it’s not a hat trick sort of situation and that this luck (I honestly attribute it to hard work) continues to flow steadily into 2011.

Looking back on the year in a style similar to the sports highlight package at the end of the news, my timeline would run like this:

*Summer was the birth of my love for electro music. I spent my time at every festival imaginable, seeing as many gigs as possible. I also purchased my dj gear and spent majority of my time learning to dj or in the gym.

*After a couple of months I landed some amazing sets. I had an absolute blast and supported some of my favourite djs.

*The lease ended on my apartment in Melbourne city – I had been there two years and loved that place to death. Living alone in the city was pure bliss. I went shopping almost daily and the ability to basically roll home from nights out was ever so convenient. I’ve had some of the greatest times in that apartment but it was time to move on and so I packed up and put all my belongings in storage and became a citizen of my suitcase.

*London was the first stop. I met my brother at Liverpool Street station and we checked into our hotel and we spent a week exploring the city and partying. Going to crazy gigs; including one party in an abandoned car park in London which was probably one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. I spent time with two of my best friends in my favourite city. Living in a spare bedroom of  my favourite Turkish resident of Islington. My heart was stuck with London but something kept telling me I had to move on…

*Japan. Finally arrived in Tokyo not long after and spent time there and Osaka. I wasn’t overly fond of Japan and decided that I needed to go back to Melbourne for a while to make a decision on where I would live.

*Living in a hotel in Melbourne for almost 2 months was absolutely insane. I had the greatest time of my life, and having a pool and gym at the end of your hall is convenience at it’s best.

*Moved to Yarraville – but felt as though my heart was still not with Melbourne. I wasn’t settled and I wanted so badly to get out and continue to move around.

*Sydney – I flew back and forth from Melbourne to Sydney so many times this year that I actually lost count.

*Finally made the decision to move to Sydney. To live with my best friend and soulmate and it was clearly the best decision I have ever made as we’re now…

*Engaged. I couldn’t picture this ever being something that I would have said yes to or even considered doing not that long ago. But I think that when something feels right – you just have to go with your heart and for the first time since London I had felt clarity and settled. I know without a shadow of doubt that spending the rest of my life with him is what I want. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never been quite so happy.

*Oooh, and I quit smoking. Which is massive for me because if you know me I seem naked without a cigarette. I’ve been smoking since back in highschool days and it had hit double digits in years since I started so quitting was a huge step.

*Studying. I’m studying to become a Personal Trainer. After seeing the transformation in my life this past year I’ve noticed just how much being fit has made an impact on my happiness. I don’t know if I’ll ever work full time as a trainer but it’s definitely something I want to know more about and I want to work part time within the industry.


My goals for next year are to focus on my career, I start my new job early January and I want more than anything to be successful at it and to love it. I want to focus on my health and fitness, I plan to complete a half and full marathon in 2011. I also want to travel again, I can barely keep my feet on the ground for a whole year. And of course, to focus on my relationship… I don’t think there will be a wedding in 2011 – I have a hard enough time finding a dress to wear to Field Day – let alone something to wear for what I’m told is the most important day of my life; but it’s important to me that I make sure we stay this happy together forever. Sappy, I know. I’m almost mortified I even wrote that on a public forum.

So, tell me… what are your goals for 2011 – and what are your proudest achievements for 2010???


Running The Tan in Melbourne

Being an idiot, in Japan.

My DJ setup. So OCD.

My old apartment in Melbourne.

One of the first shows I played at.

My old gym in Melbourne.

On my way to Sydney to see the boy I adore.

Future in a fortune cookie. From one of our dates.


Please excuse the lack of posts lately. I have been enjoying a little ‘me’ time..

S (the boy) has flown over to Thailand with his best friend for two weeks of beer, junk food and mayhem (as boys do) and so I’ve been at home by myself for a little bit and ‘finding my footing’; albeit not realistically because I still am not aloud to run yet, thank you peroneal tendonitis.

This has been the first time I’ve been alone in our house since we moved in, in fact we haven’t spent a night apart so my first thoughts were geared towards how I would act when he was not around. I have a really great support system as far as working out and eating well goes when it comes to our relationship. S is incredibly supportive of me getting up at 5am to go running most mornings (by supportive I mean, he stays in bed)… or if there’s an area in Sydney I’ve always wanted to run, he’ll drop me off there so I can run home if it’s too far to go both ways. I think sometimes though that I am more productive because he’s around – I can’t very well allow myself to be that girlfriend that slobs around, whinging questions like “does my ass look fat in this?” with one hand on a spoon and the other on a tub of ice cream and wonder how the f*ck it happened in the first place… I feel almost like I have to be on my best behaviour with both my diet and my workout routines so then when I choose to have a bit of a body conscious meltdown it’s justified. So when he left for holidays I found myself wondering if I would keep up with my heavy training program or if I would just sit at home watching Grey’s Anatomy and constantly checking my phone for text messages from overseas, or if I would actually go to the gym – even though the only person I had to prove anything to was myself.

What I’ve learnt from his absence is that being healthy is a state of mind. If I’ve done anything in this time by myself I’ve increased my training goals, I have stayed stricter with my healthy eating – trying new recipes and I’m feeling better for it. I’ve watched a lot of Grey’s Anatomy too but you get the picture.

I know that this has all happened because my desire to be healthy outweighs all my primal urges to just do nothing. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of years when my laziness was palpable, I wouldn’t do anything remotely productive unless absolutely necessary… but now I find that being healthier and maintaining a clean eating regime and a great training schedule has me making better life choices, even when no one else is looking. I sleep better, I snack less, I drink less, I don’t smoke anymore, I put in a multitude more effort in other areas of my life like career or relationships. I also notice looking back that when I was making those lazier choices I was also desiring to be model skinny. I don’t desire that at all anymore, I notice myself finding inspiration in athletes rather than celebrities. I guess what it all comes down to is that being healthy has completely changed my life in every aspect, especially my happiness within myself and my surroundings and relationships. So going to the gym or cleaning up your diet isn’t just about having a body that you think looks good in your clothing and it certainly isn’t about being skinny… If you’re considering cleaning up your lifestyle for the new year -eating better and getting into the gym- I urge you to make those changes for yourself, and when you do I dare you not to love it.

Does anyone else agree? Have you noticed massive life changes since you got onto the health wagon?

My weekend has been incredible… to say the least.

My brother flew in from Melbourne to stay a few days; minus a few set backs with flight problems we’ve managed to get some great quality time together. Including a massive shopping session, lunch on the Darling Harbor, drinks and dj’ing, breakfast in Bondi, a run by the Anzac Bridge.

I got early Christmas presents – a pair Nike Lunar Swift+ running shoes, a Nike backpack (I want to start running home from work), a pair of Sting boxing gloves, Nike sports bras, a Nike+ running sportsband for logging my km’s and all the details of my runs… can you tell I’m obsessed with Nike?

Not to mention my adorable boyfriend, Sean, is now my fiance. I couldn’t be happier. I’m so excited about spending my life with my best friend and inheriting one of the greatest, most entertaining sets of in-laws I could possibly imagine.

To top of a fantastic weekend I’m now relaxing on the couch waiting for the roast chicken I have put in the oven to cook. Meanwhile watching Rachel Zoe Project as my brother and Sean play tennis downstairs. I didn’t think this weekend could get better… but then I realised tomorrow is Sunday, and Sundays are my favourite thing in the world so I’ve got fingers crossed something else incredible happens tomorrow.


What has everyone else been up to this weekend? And what are your favourite Sunday activities?

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